Third Grade

Third Grade is a year of transition from early to middle childhood, a time when earlier skills are extended. Student learning is the chief priority for our students. Individual responsibility is very important at this level in order for the students to achieve success. Students develop an appreciation for learning and the learning process. They take pride in their accomplishments and those of others.
Curriculum Overview
Language Arts
- Write descriptive paragraphs, including planning, revising and editing
- Write stories, letters, simple explanations and short reports across all areas
- Edit writing for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
- Read and respond to a variety of literature
- Extend and develop comprehension skills
- Master basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts
- Add and subtract four digit numbers with regrouping
- Use both standard and metric units of measure
- Identify, write, and use fractions and decimals
- Explore geometry concepts
- Develop time and money skills
- Solving word problems
- Interpret and construct graphs
- Develop estimation skills
- Recognize and use place value for six digit numbers
- Investigate the concept of probability
Social Studies
- Describe the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, and Mali
- Describe the discovery of the Americas
- Study maps and map skills
- Explain economic principles
- Describe important American historical events, people and movements
- Explain why government is necessary and describe its basic principles
- Animal and plant life cycles
- Living systems
- Life process and adaptations
- Matter
- Force, motion, and energy – simple machines
- Earth and space systems
- Understand and conserve Earth’s resources
- Use the scientific method to conduct investigations