Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade is a Fantastic Year!
Our curriculum is S.O.L. aligned and rigorous, but we have fun while learning each day. We have five teachers on our team. Each teacher is highly qualified in the areas of math, science, language arts, and social studies. Students in 5th grade may also change classes. This helps to prepare them for having multiple teachers once they get to middle school. Students also attend one resource class each day in physical education, art, music, or in the media center.
As fifth graders, students are given extra responsibilities throughout the school. Our students are leaders in the form of Morning Announcers, Choir members and much more!
The fifth grade classes enjoy special activities as well. In the spring, students attend a celebration as they say "goodbye" to North. By the end of the academic year, each child is well prepared for the challenge and excitement of middle school. We know your child will enjoy his or her year in fifth grade as much as we do.